Admission fees
The amount of the annual tuition fee is € 878.50 (euros) to which regional tax (€ 140.00), stamp duty (€ 32.00) and an additional fee related to personal/family income (max € 500.00, see table below) must be added.
As a result, the total annual expense will be in the range from € 950 to € 1550, depending on the personal/family income situation.
The total amount is divided into two instalments:
1st instalment - € 611.25 (= 1/2 tuition + regional tax + stamp duty), due at the enrollment.
2nd instalment - € 439.25 (= 1/2 tuition) + additional fee, due by June 3, 2015.
The additional fee is related to the family's annual gross income and real and personal property, all conventionally evaluated taking into account various parameters ("ISEE/ISPE income"). It is computed online by a procedure available a few months before the deadline.
Here follows a simplified (approximate) table to give an idea of the possible additonal fee amounts.
ISEE/ISPE income up to € 20,000: additional fee = € -100 (reduction)
ISEE/ISPE income up to € 30,000: additional fee = € - 50 (reduction)
ISEE/ISPE income up to € 40,000: additional fee = € +100
ISEE/ISPE income up to € 55,000: additional fee = € +200
ISEE/ISPE income up to € 65,000: additional fee = € +300
ISEE/ISPE income over € 65,000: additional fee = € +500
For more information (in Italian) see: Servizio Contributi e Diritto allo studio.