A tutor is available for students who wish to prepare the Information Theory and Detection and Estimation exams.
The tutor is the PhD student Lorenzo Gaudio (lorenzo.gaudio@studenti.unipr.it, tel: 0521 906615). He will be available nearly all Mondays till mid May from 10 to 12 am in his office (Scientific Complex, Building n. 2, at the door dial 6615), according to the following schedule:
15/Jan, 22/Jan, 29/Jan, 5/Feb, 12/Feb, 19/Feb, 26/Feb, 5/Mar, 12/Mar, 19/Mar, 26/Mar, 9/Apr, 16/Apr, 23/Apr, 30/Apr, 7/May, 14/May
If you wish to attend a session, please send the tutor an email several days BEFORE the date with the topics you wish to discuss, so that he can retrieve the needed teaching material from your course website (he is tutoring for several courses, among which IT/D&E).