
Prof. Francesco Poletti
Optoelectronics Research Centre
University of Southampton, UK (June 2023)
E-mail : frap@orc.soton.ac.uk
Francesco Poletti (Member, IEEE) received the Laurea degree in electronics engineering from the University of Parma, Parma, Italy, in 2000, and the Ph.D. degree from the Optoelectronics Research Centre (ORC), Southampton, U.K., in 2007. He is currently a Professor with ORC. He has worked for three years on optical network design with Marconi Communications and for more than ten years on the development of new generations of microstructured optical fibers with the
ORC. He has coauthored more than 80 journal and 200 conference publications, and produced four patents. His research interests include the design of photonic bandgap and antiresonant fibers, development of fiber-optic characterization techniques, and fabrication of nonsilica-based fibers and devices. He is also the holder of a European Research Fellowship Consolidator Grant.
Dr. Riccardo De Gaudenzi
European space Agency, NL
Head of Electrical Engineering Dept. (Dec 2023)
E-mail : Riccardo.de.Gaudenzi@esa.int
Riccardo De Gaudenzi received his Master degree (cum Laude) in Electronic Engineering from the University of Pisa in 1985, a PhD from the Technical University of Delft, The Netherlands in 1999 and a Communication Engineering Master degree ad honorem from University of Parma in 2021. From 1986 to 1988 he was with the European Space Agency (ESA), Stations and Communications Engineering Department, Darmstadt (Germany) where he was involved in satellite Telemetry, Tracking and Control (TT&C) ground systems design and testing. He is currently the Head of the ESA’s Electrical Engineering Department, with more than 260 professionals, which covers radio-frequency systems and payloads for navigation, telecommunication TT&C and Earth Observation, EEE components and microelectronics, data handling systems, power systems and energy sources, electromagnetic compatibility, space environments and their effects.
He has been responsible for a large number of R&D activities for TT&C, Telecom and Navigation applications. In 1996 he spent one year with Qualcomm Inc., San Diego USA, in the Globalstar LEO project system group under an ESA fellowship. His current interest is mainly related with efficient digital modulation and multiple access techniques for fixed and mobile satellite services, synchronization topics, adaptive interference mitigation techniques and communication systems simulation techniques. He actively contributed to the development and the demonstration of the ETSI S-UMTS Family A, S-MIM, DVB-S2, DVB-S2X, DVB-RCS2 and DVB-SH standards. He has published more than 140 scientific papers and owns more than 30 patents. From 2001 to 2005 he has been serving as Associate Editor for CDMA and Synchronization for IEEE Transactions on Communications and Associate Editor for Journal of Communications and Networks. He is co-recipient of the 2003 and 2008 Jack Neubauer Memorial Award Best Paper from the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. He has been awarded the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) 2022 Aerospace Communications Award
Dr. Matteo Lonardi
Research Scientist
Nokia Bell Labs, FR
Smart Optical Fabric and Device (Sep 2023)
E-mail : matteo.lonardi@nokia-bell-labs.com
Matteo Lonardi received the MSc in Communications Engineering in 2016 and the PhD in Information Technology (Optical Communications and Electromagnetic Fields) in 2020 from the University of Parma.
In 2016, he was a researcher at Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Telecomunicazioni (CNIT), Parma, Italy, contributing to the characterization of linear and nonlinear coupling in orbital angular momentum multi-mode fibers in the context of the European project ROAM.
He spent half of his Ph.D. visiting Nokia Bell Labs (Paris, France), focusing on the evaluation of the nonlinear performance of heterogeneous optical networks and the use of machine learning for monitoring and estimation of the quality of transmission.
Matteo Lonardi joined Nokia Bell Labs Smart Optical Fabric and Devices group as a Research Scientist in November 2019. From January 2022, he has also been a product manager in the Nokia subsystem group for the technological transfer of advanced analytics, sensing, and monitoring features.
His primary field of interest is the quality of transmission estimation and monitoring in optical transmissions and networks, with a focus on the applicability of machine learning and artificial intelligence.
Dr. Marco Bertolini
ON System Product Manager
Optical Networks, Network Infrastructure
Nokia, IT (Aug 2023)
E-mail : marco.bertolini@nokia.com
Marco Bertolini is the Product Manager for all Systems in Planning Tools Product Line Manager at NokiaNokia’s Optical Networks portfolio. He oversees a team of product managers responsible for all hardware platforms and its embedded software.
He joined Alcatel-Lucent (now Nokia) in 2010 to work on development of DSP for 100G applications and beyond. Prior to the current position, he held different roles in Product Management, ranging from consultancy on design of coherent optical systems to the management of the high-speed interfaces and photonic modules for 1830 PSS.
He has authored or co-authored more than 40 papers for multiple conferences and peer-reviewed journals.
Marco holds a BS/MS in Telecommunication Engineering and a Ph.D. degree in Information Technologies from University of Parma, Italy. His research on nonlinear effects in phase-modulated WDM systems with coherent detection. During his Ph.D. He was a visiting student of Université Laval (Quebec, CA) and Bell Labs France.

And here is a list of former LMCE graduates with graduation date and present job position (as of July 2024):

Nirmal Kumar Machikalapudi (graduated 2024), now Ph.D Student in the National PhD Program in Space Science and Technology, University of Trento, Italy.

Thomas Zaniboni (graduated 2023), now PhD Student at UniPR and Université Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier (double degree), France.

Stefano Tinelli (graduated 2022), now with German Aerospace Center (DLR) Munich, Germany.

Isaia Andrenacci (graduated 2021) now PhD student at Telecom Paris, Palaiseau France.

Riccardo Boccaccini (graduated 2021) now with Leonardo, Prato, Italy.

Riccardo Straccia (graduated 2021) now with ASK, Reggio Emilia Italy.

Anatolij Borroni, (graduated 2020, PhD 2024) Now with ASK, Reggio Emilia Italy.

Eleonora Oliosi (graduated 2020), now PhD student at the University of Parma, Italy.

Marco Morini (graduated 2020, PhD 2023), now with Leonardo, Nerviano, Italy

Emanuele Pagliari (Laurea 2020, PhD 2024), now Researcher at University of Lulea, Sweden.

Lorenzo Zaniboni (graduated 2020), now PhD Student at TU Munich Germany.

Ayman Zahr (graduated 2020), now PhD Student at TU Munich Germany.

Sunil MATHEW (graduated 2020, PhD 2024), now post-doc at University of Pisa, Italy.

Fabrizio Carpi (graduated 2019), now PhD student at New York University, Tandon School of Engineering, USA

Marta Buffa (graduated 2019), now Optic Network Design and System Engineer  at Nokia Milan, Italy.

Alessandro Opinto (graduated 2018, PhD 2022), now with Keysight, Milan.

Claudia della Valle (graduated 2017), now Optics Business Development Manager at Nokia Milan, Italy.

Lorenzo Gaudio (graduated 2017), now with MetaSensing, Milan, Italy.

Antonio Cilfone (graduated 2016, PhD 2019), now R&D Engineer at TESMEC, Piacenza, Italy.

Nicolò Strozzi (graduated 2015, PhD 2018), now R&D engineer at ASK Industries, Reggio Emilia, Italy.

Michelangelo Ricciulli (graduated 2014), now with Huawei, Milan Italy.

Yuri Zanettini (graduated 2014), now with Nokia, Milan Italy.

Andrea Gorrieri (graduated 2012, PhD 2016), now R&D Software Engineer at B810 S.r.l., Reggio Emilia, Italy.

Carlo Tripodi (graduated 2012, PhD 2016), now Head of global R&D Audio Features Department at ASK Industries, Reggio Emilia, Italy.

Luca Cattani (graduated 2012, PhD 2016), now Head of Validation and Compliance Department, ASK Industries, Reggio Emilia, Italy.

Pietro Gonizzi (graduated 2011, PhD 2015), now Research Engineer at OCME, Parma, Italy.

Matteo Giuberti (graduated 2010, PhD 2014), now CTO of RADiCAL, Milan & USA.

Domenico Marsella (graduated 2010), now with Nokia, Milan Italy

Andrea Modenini (graduated 2010, PhD 2014), now with European Space Agengy, European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESA-ESTEC), Noordwijk, The Netherlands.

Stefano Busanelli (graduated 2007, PhD 2011), now CTO of Guglielmo S.r.l., Reggio Emilia, Italy.

Paolo Medagliani (graduated 2006, PhD 2010), now Research Engineer at Mathematical and Algorithmic Sciences Lab France Research Center, Huawei Technologies Co., Paris, France.

Andrea Peracchi (graduated 2006, PhD 2011 at Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa), now with Nokia, Milan Italy

Nicola Rossi (graduated 2006, PhD 2012) now with Alcatel Submarine Networks, Les Ulis, Ile de France, France.

Roberto Pagliari (graduated 2005,  PhD 2009 from Cornell University, USA)  now Head of Decision Science, Chase UK at JPMorgan Chase & Co., London, UK.

Marco Martalò (graduated 2005, PhD 2009), now Associate Professor of Telecommunications, University of Cagliari, Italy.

Aldo Cero (graduated 2005), now at  Vislab , Parma, Italy.

Nicoló Mazzali (graduated 2005), now Communication Systems and Technologies Engineer at European Space Agengy, European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESA-ESTEC), Noordwijk, The Netherlands.

Massimiliano Salsi (graduated 2004, PhD 2007) now Network Architect at Stealth startup, San Francisco Bay Area, USA

Dario Fertonani (graduated 2004, PhD 2008), co-founder and CTO at Phluido LLC, San Diego, CA, USA.

Michele Franceschini (graduated 2003, PhD 2006), now Head of AI Communications at Bloomberg, New York City, NY, USA.

Riccardo Pighi (graduated 2003, PhD 2006), now Head of R&D Energy and Automation, Selta Business Unit, Digital Platforms, Cadeo (Piacenza), Italy.

Alan Barbieri (graduated 2003, PhD 2007), co-founder and CEO at Phluido LLC, San Diego, USA.

Massimo Bertinelli (graduated 1999, PhD 2002), now Communication System Engineer at the  European Space Agency, the Hague, South Holland, The Netherlands.

Giovanni Bellotti (graduated 1996, PhD 1999), now Planning Tools Product Line Manager at Nokia  Milan Italy.