Read what this course is all about

Welcome to the Master of Science in Communication Engineering!

The course is designed to prepare highly qualified engineers in information and communication technologies. We will give the student the main skills to analyze and design a communication system through a program that offers a complete curriculum designed to equip the student with both theoretical foundations and practical experience. This work is done by leading professors in the field who have many research contracts with worldwide or national players.

The students will also have the opportunity, if they wish, to pursue a double degree with leading universities in France.

Communication Engineering is a critical component of the current revolution in information and communication technology that is transforming our lives. It supports pivotal technologies for improving our level of living, and in particular their demand for a transfer of information whose size is dramatically growing over the years.

An example is Satellite communications, covering ultra-wide distances, and their interface with terrestrial networks.

Another example are Fiber-optic communications, that cross the Earth carrying Terabit per second per fiber and making the Internet a reality.

Smartphone communications over a wireless channel are another notable example, that will continue to play an important role in the 5G and upcoming 6G revolutions. But communication covers several other aspects, such as device communications, generally referred to as the Internet of things, that are connecting a never ending number of devices. Such aspects will be a critical component in the near future. But there are also emerging applications, such as smart cities, vehicular communications, and all their security problems.

We will provide the student with an interdisciplinary learning experience that will combine communication engineering with various subjects such as computer science and electronics, all of which have an unbreakable connection in our modern society.

Prof. Paolo Serena
Course director

General information on the M.S course in Communication Engineering is available at  this  page.