Admission to the Master of Science in Communication Engineering requires that one holds a Bachelor of Science (BS) degree in Engineering, Physics or Mathematics, or equivalent University Degree. Below you will find more detail on the admission procedures. Admitted students who hold a BS in topics related to information and communication technology (ICT) have the ideal background knowledge to undertake the program. Other students may be admitted, depending on their curriculum, but with a warning to their background weaknesses.
Admission requirements are different for Students holding an Italian Degree, and Students holding a foreign BS, as detailed next.
Students holding an Italian Degree
- Admission requirements I (Requisiti curriculari):
– Applications from candidates holding a first level Italian degree certificate (Diploma di Laurea) in the Class of Information Engineering (Class L-8 ex 270/04 or Class 9 ex 509/99) are accepted. The Student Registry Office verifies the validity of the degree certificate presented by the applicant.
– Applications from candidates holding first level degrees (Diploma di Laurea) in classes other than Information Engineering are also welcome, especially from other Engineering classes, Physics, Mathematics and Computer Science. They will be assessed by the Admission Committee. The detailed requirements are specified in the Course Regulations (Regolamento didattico). - Admission requirements II (Requisiti di preparazione personale):
– Applicants holding a degree certificate as specified in a) but with a mark below 88/110 or equivalent will be individually assessed by the Admission Committee.
Students holding a foreign BS
Students holding a foreign first-level University degree, such as a Bachelor, must first apply online (see how in the next paragraph) and provide the following documents in pdf format to the Admission Committee:
- Full University study record or transcript, including a complete list of passed exams, their load in terms of lecture hours or credit units (with relevant definition), the achieved grades, and the final grade point average (GPA)
- Final BS Diploma or equivalent University Diploma (students who have not yet received their first-level university degree, but who expect to graduate before the application deadline set by the Italian Embassy, must specify their complete study program and expected graduation date)
- English language proficiency certification, required unless official evidence is submitted that the BS had English as the official medium of instruction
- Curriculum Vitae
- Passport (page with photo and identification data)
- Other documents considered useful to establish the qualification of the applicant
Our selection is based only on your submitted documents, without any oral interview.
Please be informed that our admission committee requires adequate certified knowledge (with good, higher than average grades) in at least 3 of the following areas:
– Probability, Random Variables, and Stochastic Processes
– Signals, Systems, and Fourier Transform methods
– Fundamentals of Communication Systems
– Fundamentals of Electromagnetism.
All students not complying with this requirement are automatically excluded from our selection.
Examples of classical books where these topics are treated with the appropriate depth are the following:
– A. Papoulis, Probability, random variables and stochastic processes, McGraw-Hill
– A. V. Oppenheim and A. S. Willsky, Signals and Systems, Pearson
– A. V. Oppenheim and R. Schafer, Discrete-Time Signal Processing, Pearson
– F. T. Ulaby, Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetism, Pearson
– J. D. Kraus and R. J. Marhefka, Antennas for All Applications, McGraw Hill
– A. B. Carlson and Paul B. Crilly, Communication systems, McGraw Hill.
Applications for the academic year 2025-26 are closed because we reached the maximum number of requests.
Please, make sure your name+surname in your filled forms is IDENTICAL to what you have in your PASSPORT since modifications to the pre-enrollment letter are not possible. Also, do not name your files with special characters (e.g., &, *, etc). Frequently asked questions about the online application can be found at our FAQs.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Prospective students who got admission in the previous 2 academic years but did not enroll can avoid re-applying and get automatically admission to the present academic year by writing an email to the Course Director Prof. A. Bononi ( with the pdf of their admission letter. They will receive a new letter for the embassy, explaining the update.
Further Needed Steps for Admitted Non-EU students
For those who have received our pre-enrollment admission letter: you now have to proceed with an application on the UNIVERSITALY governmental portal in order to start your VISA process, as described on the following page. More info is found at this UNIPR page , sections “2. Pre-enrollment on the Universitaly portal” and “How to get the VISA”.