On Esse3, your web management interface, you can manage online several university tasks, such as: tax payments, exams, study plans, student’s survey, etc.. You can access Esse3 at

In this section we discuss the Study Plan and the Teaching Evaluation Questionnaire.

Finalizing your study plan

Your Study Plan (i.e. choice courses selection) MUST be entered on ESSE3 in the following time window:

FROM: beginning of 1st week of November —- UNTIL: end of 2nd week in December.

You will be able to make your choices only if you are up-to-date with university tax payments. Filling the Study Plan is compulsory for everyone, failing to do so will prevent you from taking the exams. Out-of-course students (from 3rd year on) do not have to fill it in. Working from a PC is recommended for greater clarity of the internet ESSE3 page.

you have to select >= 12 CFUs from the Complementary (i.e., ICT area) Elective Courses menu (typically 2 6CFU courses) and >=12 CFUs from the Elective Courses menu (typically 2 6CFU courses, taken from any course of your interest offered by UNIPR. Our suggested choices are marked in the Elective Free Courses menu). The courses you select can be placed in any semester of the 1st year.

If after looking at the teaching material or following some lectures of your selected courses you are not happy with your choices, you will have another time-window in ESSE3 from about mid-March till mid-April to possibly revise your choices.

The ESSE3 fill-in procedure is described at:;jsessionid=F313B6376F62E7276A6198A93166EC5F.esse3-unipr-prod-03?cod_lingua=eng

PATH: Esse3 -> log in -> study plan -> career plan


Teaching Evaluation Questionnaire

For each course in your study plan (compulsory and choice courses), you must fill in on the online ESSE3 system the corresponding Teaching Evaluation Questionnaire form, in order for you to be allowed to take the exam.
The Teaching Evaluation Questionnaire can be filled in after 2/3 of the course classes have been taught. Please fill in as early as you can, as you will have fresh in your memory the pros and cons of the course. Your evaluations and suggestions will be processed in an anonymous aggregated way and will be published on the University website according to our Quality Assurance Policy. Your opinion counts and helps us improve the quality of the courses and overall make a better University.

The questions to answer for the attending students are the following:

  1. Was your basic knowledge sufficient to understand the content of this course? [Le conoscenze preliminari possedute sono risultate sufficienti per la comprensione degli argomenti previsti nel programma d’esame?]
  2. Is the study workload proportionate to the credits earned? [Il carico di studi dell’insegnamento è proporzionato ai crediti assegnati?]
  3. Is the learning material (suggested and available) suitable for studying for the exam? [Il materiale didattico (indicato e disponibile) è adeguato per lo studio della materia?]
  4. Were the exam evaluation procedures clearly defined? [Le modalità d’esame sono state definite in modo chiaro?]
  5. Are lectures, exercises and other activities in line with pre-set schedules/timetables? [Gli orari di svolgimento di lezioni, esercitazioni e altre eventuali attività didattiche sono rispettati?]
  6. Does the professor stimulate your interest for the subject? [Il docente stimola/motiva l’interesse verso la disciplina?]
  7. Does the professor clearly teach the contents of the course? [Il docente espone gli argomenti in modo chiaro?]
  8. Are the supplementary didactic activities (such as tutorials, labs, and workshops), if any, useful to learn the content of the course? [Le attività didattiche integrative (esercitazioni, tutorati, laboratori, ecc.), ove esistenti, sono utili all’apprendimento della materia?]
  9. Was the course carried out in a manner consistent with what was stated on the course syllabus published on the website? [L’insegnamento è stato svolto in maniera coerente con quanto dichiarato sul sito web del corso di studio?]
  10. Is the professor available for further explanations if you need them? [Il docente è reperibile per chiarimenti e spiegazioni?]
  11. Are you interested in the contents of this course? [E’ interessato agli argomenti trattati nell’insegnamento?]

Each answer can be any of these four: definitely yes [decisamente si], more yes than no [più si che no], more no than yes [più no che si], definitely no [decisamente no].

Instructions on the ESSE3 system are still only in Italian, but a translation is available here.

General instructions are summarized in this presentation slides. A video (in Italian) is also available.

The student can also report problems regarding the courses by filling out the online form on this page.